The top map shows the 30km Harkajarvi to Aksomuotki trail from the border to a 10km asphalt road that leads to Kautokeino. You cross the border through a reindeer gate and then follow the scrubby trail which can be a little hard to find at times as it goes along a hillside. The trail runs through the Favrusjokkan tide and continues straight from Galanita towards Galanita. Galan is wasted on Sallanjohkan (Roggejohka), following the monk's leg, the opposite side also has an old house. From the house again, a clear mudguard towards the road starts again. The traffic jam is crossed in Aksomuotti along the highway. Raja Ila olevan poroaidan portin jalkeen jalki katoaa pensaikkoon. Vanha jalki on kuitenkin loydettavissa heikkona jakalien ja varpujen peittamana urana selanteen koivikkoisella rinteella. Reitti kulkee Favrusjokkan tuvan kautta ja jatkuu sielta selkeana kohti Galanitua. Galanitussa kahlataan Sallanjohkan (Roggejohka) yli seuraten monkijan jalkea, vastarannalla on myos vanha talo. Talolta alkaa taas selkea monkijaura kohti maantieta. Kautokeinojoki ylitetaan Aksomuotkissa maantiesiltaa pitkin.
The second trail shows an old disused 16km trail between Palojärvi and Salvastaa which is only for experienced trekkers.
The next map shows an 8km section of trail between Siccajarvi and Raja starting from the west side of Siccajärve. You will need to wade, in the mouth of the cree, and along a shallow sand dune.
The last map shows the 15km section of quadbike trail between Salvasjärvi and Harkajarvi across the open fells. The short, small and small part of the Stuorrahanoaiv north, the mulberry bush disappears. To the north of Harlkajärvi, the mark is a parallel slope. At the beginning of the gate of the reindeer gate and far beyond the yellow-painted border rocks, the route joins Karesuvanto into the old market path to Kautokeino. Avointa tunturimaata. Lyhyt kivkkoinen ja pienipiirteinen osuus Stuorrahanoaivin pohjoisrinteessa, taalla monkijaura katoaa. Harlkajarven pohjoispuolella marka sarainen rinnesuo. Alkaalla poroaidan portin ja kauas nakyvan keltaiseksi maalatun rajakivipaaden luona reitti yhdistyy Karesuvannosta Kautokeinoon menevaan vanhaan markkinapolkuun.
Close to the border, the mail was actually transferred up river but you can put sections of trails together and still stay primarily off-road, but on relatively easy terrain, if that is the kind of trip you are looking for.
The third map shows an 8km trail with old rotting boardwalks.