More about huskies

This section of our website is here primarily here for 'husky buffs', since we know that there are many people who love the breed and who are probably interested in the wider history of sled dogs.

The sections outlining a) the use of huskies in exploration and b) famous huskies from history are there because these topics are fascinating for us and we figured that there must be other people who are interested too! For us, there is obviously also a tie in to CAPE Lapland - the more extreme polar exploration arm of our business - and our own history of exploration.

Before we look in detail at huskies, it is worth considering dogs as an animal...

Dogs were domesticated 33,000 years ago, and their behaviour and physiology can no longer be compared to those of wolves. The social hierarchy of a group of dogs differs from that of a pack of wolves, among other things, in that within a group of dogs, several male and female pairs can procreate.

Semi-feral dogs spend their time acquiring nourishment, resting and tending to the social relationships within the pack. Behaviour related to the acquisition of food and eating is a significant need for any dog. It entails searching for food, hunting and tearing food to pieces. The breed of the dog has an impact on how pronounced the behavioural needs are.

Dogs have sensitive hearing, good vision and a wider field of vision than humans. Dogs' primary tool of communication is their sense of smell. They are good at adapting to the prevailing circumstances, but naturally there are differences between individuals. Dogs are intelligent animals that need activation in order to maintain their mental and physical well- being.

A considerable part of dogs' happiness comes from the fact that they are given enough opportunities to engage in species typical activities. These include, among other things, exercising in varying surroundings, exploring the environment by sniffing and running free. (Telkänranta Helena 2015, Hyvinvoiva koira, 9.)

Another source of information about dogs in general that we have found interesting is:

Several breeds are well-suited to acting as sled dogs. Siberian huskies and Alaskan huskies are the breeds most commonly used as sled dogs in the tourism industry in Lapland. However on our farm, we also have Malamutes, Nenet-Laika-Taimyr crosses and Taimyrs.
