Many people fall in love with particular dogs during their tours - or even just on paper - and want to support us in our attempt to give each and every dog the best possible care in life.
Donations can be set up by direct debit or through paypal.
Puppy Sponsorship:
€100 per year / €8 per month
Pups are wonderful. Little joyful bundles of energy and fun. However, having pups is no easy feat and involves greater expense than keeping an adult dog. There is often one pup in each litter that needs a degree of hand rearing using special formulas. Once they are weaned, they need to be fed 5 times per day for quite a few months and they also need a relatively intensive series of innoculations and deworming procedures. They are given quad and rabies vaccinations at 12 weeks, 16 weeks and 1 year and 12 weeks as well as more frequent (and different) deworming treatments than our adults. Added to that, the pups tend to have more problems dealing with the mosquitos during the first year of their life and they need treatments to help them with their resistance to the flies. Your €100 pup sponsorship doesn't really support the pup for a year but it does go a long way towards covering the extra costs associated with raising our future stars.
We call this tier of sponsorship, 'bronze level' and sponsors receive an information card about their dog and a sponsorship certificate. They get sent four updates during the year showing the change in the pup as it grows through its naughty lanky teenage stage into its more-or-less final adult form.
At the end of the year, you will receive an update on how well the dog is develping into a working husky and what its training needs still are. You will be featured on the website as a proud sponsor of a husky puppy and can benefit from a 25% reduction on the cost of any of our day-length safaris.
Senior Canine Citizen or Non-Working Dog Sponsorship: €350 per year / €25 per month
This sponsorship level is targeted at our canine senior citizens - those dogs living out their retirement comfortably on our farm. Most of our retired dogs have minimal veterinary costs and they don't eat as much as our working dogs. They rarely run - except for when, eg, training pups - and they are rarely in fights. Hence, this sponsorship level covers our estimate of their annual food costs: c. €350 / year. The silver sponsorship level also applies to dogs who are living permanently at our farm but are unable to run for medical reasons.
Our silver level sponsors receive an information card about their dog and a sponsorship certificate. They also receive a newsletter-style email update twice a year, with photos, detailing how their dog is doing, the vaccinations they have received, how their training of the younger dogs (if any) is going and what else they have been getting up to during their retirement/life of leisure. You will be featured on the website as a proud sponsor of a retired or non-working dog and can benefit from a 50% reduction on the cost of any of our day-length safaris.
Working Dog Sponsorship: €700 per year / €58 per month
We estimate that keeping a working husky for a year costs about €2 / dog / day (x 200+ dogs!) (thinking only about averaged food and verterinary costs - and ignoring, therefore, associated guide, equipment, infrastructure etc costs). Hence, gold level sponsorship is €700 / year.
Our gold level sponsors receive an information card about their dog and a sponsorship certificate. You will also receive a newsletter-style email update about how your dog is doing, the vaccinations they have received, their general improvement in training or socialisation and photo and video attachments, four times per year. You will be featured on the website as a proud sponsor of a working husky and can participate in one day-length safari of your choice, for free.