Hetta Huskies in the News

A selection of some of the best media coverage of Hetta Huskies...

The World Responsible Tourism Awards for 2015 awarded GOLD to Hetta Huskies in the 'Best Animal Welfare Initiave' category.

The Telegraph Magazine featured Hetta Huskies and the challenges in the life of one of our trainee guides in a 5-page Christmas special spread in Dec. 13. We also got the magazine's cover shot.

A 2019 CNN Article Looking at Responsible Mushing uses many quotes from our farm (most of them accurately reported).

Helsingin Sanomat: (Finland's largest broadsheet), considers us the place to try mushing.

Lapland.fi Interview

The Australian: One of our clients, John Connolly, has written a number of articles about Hetta Huskies in the Australian press.

Visit Finland: promoted Hetta Huskies as one of the top Finnish winter sports locations

Travel Magazine: Features three articles about Hetta Huskies arguing that age should never limit adventure - particularly when mushing holds the keys to the vast wilderness for those who can no longer get their under just their own steam.

TripAdvisor: profiles Hetta Huskies Farm and gives us the highest possible rating as well as rating us the number 1 attraction in the area.