Working Sleddog
Gender: Female
Origin: Rescue, Nordic Husky Tours, Sweden, 2018
Microship Number: 276098104823240
Weight: 18
Born: 17/02/2014
More About Me:
Grizzly and Laura are due to join Hetta Huskies in June 2018 from Nordic Husky Tours AB. From what we currently know about her, Laura is a sweet and gentle female who can go in lead but isn't superb there yet. She has already had a litter that is now (May 2018) 9 months old, Her genetic details can be found on <a href= "">Trekhundregisteret (the new Stamtalva).
Safari Distance Category: Unlimited distance
Lifetime Total Distance Run: 1,783km
Season Rank:
Usual Position: Leader B
Mother x Father: Raika / Elwetritsches
Usual Feeding Categories: Fat dog Portion
Usual Partner: Daisy
Bad Combination With: