Lapland is the home of Europe’s last wilderness. It is a land in which reindeer, brown beer, wolf, lynx, wolverine and elk outnumber people and one in which dense primeval forests, lakes, swamps and marshes (in summer) and sub-zero temperatures (in winter) pose a challenge to all.
For those who hope to venture into this landscape, the line between functioning in comfortable safety and simply surviving, is very thin and the challenging nature of our Lappish Bushcraft & Survival courses, should not, therefore, be underestimated. In summer, you will be hungry (and contending with mosquitoes) and in winter you will be cold. So cold, in fact, that you will need to complete a course in a different season before attempting the premier winter course, so that we have confidence in your abilities to survive.
Our survival courses are designed by Pasi, one of Finland's foremost survival instructors and an active member of ''Survival Guild Finland''. Whilst we have been running courses for many years, it is only recently that we have started to offer courses in English to an international market.