Working Sleddog
Gender: Male
Origin: Purchased, Mikal Lanes, Norway, 2016
Microship Number: 578098100518218 NOR
Weight: 24
Born: 03/05/2016
More About Me:
I arrived here as a three month old pup, along with my sister Lyra (think 'Golden Compass' and 'Pantalaimon') from Mikal Lanes' place in the far east of Finnmark. I grew big pretty quickly so hopefully I will end up being as strong in heart as in stature. I have some good genes in my lines including multiple Iditarod, Yukon Quest and Finnmarkslopet champions so let's see what materialises over time.
Safari Distance Category: Unlimited distance
Lifetime Total Distance Run:
Season Rank:
Usual Position: 2nd Lead
Mother x Father: Hurre / Rocky
Siblings: Lyra.
Usual Feeding Categories: Big dog
Usual Partner:
Bad Combination With: