Working Sleddog
Gender: Male
Origin: Rescue, Nordic Husky Tours, Sweden, 2018
Microship Number: 990000001039519
Weight: 24
Born: 01/07/2018
More About Me:
I am Sookie's 4th Pup and therefore a member of the "Bird" litter. I am the ONLY boy from this litter. You can recognize me by my heterochromea (different colored eyes). I am very smart and big, so I hope to be a great lead dog one day!
Safari Distance Category: Unlimited
Lifetime Total Distance Run:
Season Rank:
Usual Position: Trainee Leader
Mother x Father: HH Sookie / Vasco
Siblings: Chicadee, Dove, Lark, Linnet, Loon, Manu.
Usual Feeding Categories: Small dog
Usual Partner:
Bad Combination With: